Advanced Kitesurf Lessons Maui

Master your Kiteboard Techniques

Advanced Kitesurf Lesson Maui, Hawaii

Taking your skill to new "heights"

Advanced lessons are for kiteboarders who want to learn tricks – a Railey, a Deadman, a Darkslide, advanced kiteloops, etc. The student must provide their own gear (whether owned or rented) for advanced lessons.

Big Air Jumps

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How to integrate the different approaches to jumping in order to consistently create jumps over 20 ft, opening the range of aerial tricks available to the kite

The Railey

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The Railey is a wakestyle trick similar to a wakeboarding Railey. It is an extension of a load and pop. A proper Railey requires you to unhook as a hooked in kite will not allow enough range of movement to fully extend yourself.

Dark Slide

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Sliding the tail across the surface of the water and using a kiteloop to maintain your balance

The Deadman

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A jump where the kiter goes upside down, lets go of the bar, and points his hands down at the water roller coaster style

Advanced Kiteloops

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Powered aerial kiteloops that generate a horizontal pull 

Putting it together

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Using a kiteloop to transition in mid air while doing a backroll with boardgrab 

Take your kitesurf skills to new levels

Get your Kitesurf Lessons Now!

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