Progress Faster with Intermediate Lessons
Intermediate Kitesurfing Lessons Maui, Hawaii
Going beyond the beginner
The intermediate series teaches the foundations for tricks. Loading, popping, handling and utilizing waves, jumps over 15 ft, light wind and high wind specialty techniques, aerial transitions, basic kiteloops, etc. Student must be able to successfully ride upwind, transition and self rescue prior to an intermediate lesson. Student must have correct type/size gear for conditions or rental will apply. (either owned or rented), must have functioning gear.
Wind Management
Techniques for managing high wind and light wind situations

How to ride toeside and do toeside transitions
How to use waves and chop as ramps to jump (also applies to artificial ramps)

How to use the kite’s power to jump
How to increase power and create resistance to the kite using the board then release it to spring into the air

Landing Jump
The most important part of the jump is learning how to land a jump in smooth, gentle and controlled fashion.
Developing Style
Techniques for adding stylish board grabs (nose grabs, tail grabs, mid grabs, handle grabs) to jumps, backrolls, and other aerial maneuvers

Aerial Transitions
How to change directions while in mid-air
360 Spin
How to do a 360 by spinning around to your backside

Kite Looping
How to do a basic kiteloop including basics of kiteloops and how to change direction (downloop)